Returns Policy
We strive to make our customers satisfied with the product they have purchased from us. If you are having trouble with a premium JoomShaper product or believe it is defective, and/or you’re feeling frustrated, then please submit a ticket to our Helpdesk to report your defective product and our team will assist you as soon as possible. For a damaged extension or template, we will request from you a link and/or a screenshot of the issue to be sent to our support service. Please also note that:
  • You may cancel your account at any time, however, there are no refunds for cancellation.
  • If you get a refund you cannot use the downloaded premium products any more.
  • If the product (after update) is still damaged, we may offset the amount of your refund by the diminished value of the product.
  • Refunds can take up to 14 days to reflect in your account.
  • Exchange Policy
    We strive to make our customers satisfied with the product they have purchased from us. If you are having trouble with a premium JoomShaper product or believe it is defective, and/or you’re feeling frustrated, then please submit a ticket to our Helpdesk to report your defective product and our team will assist you as soon as possible. For a damaged extension or template, we will request from you a link and/or a screenshot of the issue to be sent to our support service. Please also note that:
  • You may cancel your account at any time, however, there are no refunds for cancellation.
  • If you get a refund you cannot use the downloaded premium products any more.
  • If the product (after update) is still damaged, we may offset the amount of your refund by the diminished value of the product.
  • Refunds can take up to 14 days to reflect in your account.
  • Shoping Cart

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